[Fedora TeX Live] TL210, F14: unicode chars, luaLaTeX and fonts

Clemens Buchacher drizzd at aon.at
Sat Jan 1 20:54:19 CET 2011

On Sat, Jan 01, 2011 at 06:11:30PM +1100, Nick Urbanik wrote:
> \documentclass{article}

You could try adding


That works for me with pdflatex at least.

> \begin{document}
> d\'{e}cor   $\Rightarrow$ décor \\
> cr\'{e}che  $\Rightarrow$ crèche \\
>  mdash—mdash ndash–ndash \\
> na\"{i}ve   $\Rightarrow$ naïve \\
> s\'{e}ance  $\Rightarrow$ séance \\
> souffl\'{e} $\Rightarrow$ soufflé
> \end{document}


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